About Our School

Hollinger Elementary School was built in 1931. Originally, it was called Government Heights. Sometime in the 70's or 80's its name was changed and named in honor of a long time principal Charles S. Hollinger.

Hollinger Elementary is a Dual Language and G.A.T.E. school in the Tucson Unified School District.

Our school is very big and a fun place to learn. We can check out awesome books at the library. Our cafeteria is huge and serves a lot of yummy food. There are many classrooms and everybody has their own materials in their desks. In Mr. Steve's fantastic garden lives Guero in his chicken coop.

At recess time, we have fun playing in the school's playground. We make lots of new friends . We also have a rooster pet; his name is "Guero." We love him as much as a best friend.

At Hollinger, we learn to write, read and speak English and Spanish. We learn to listen to our teachers and the principal. We also read cool books and write reports about them. The students do many interesting things. We win grabbers for being responsible students and having good behavior.

We work really hard to become smarter. The class work is challenging because it helps us to learn more. The students have classrooms jobs like line leaders and paper passer to help the teachers.

At Hollinger, we sing in both languages. We learn folkloric dances such as La Bamba, Los Viejitos. In art class, we color and paint to learn about different artists like Eric Carle and Van Gogh.

Hollinger is a fantastic place to learn both languages and make friends.

La escuela primaria Hollinger fue construida en 1931 y se llamaba "Government Height". En los 70"s se le cambio el nombre a Charles S. Hollinger para honorar al director que habia servido a la escuela por tantos años.

Hollinger es una escuela primaria de Lenguaje Dual y de GATE auto-contenido del Distrito Unificado de Tucson.

Nuestra escuela es muy grande y es un lugar divertido para aprender. En la biblioteca podemos sacar libros interesantes. La cafetería es enorme y sirve mucha comida muy rica. Hay muchos salones y todos los niños tienen su escritorio con sus propios materiales. En el jardín fantástico del Sr. Steve vive Guero en un gallinero.

A la hora del recreo, nos divertimos jugando en el patio de la escuela y hacemos amigos nuevos. También tenemos un gallo mascota que se llama "Guero." Lo queremos como a nuestro mejor amigo.

Nosotros aprendemos a escribir, leer y hablar en ingles y en español. Los niños aprenden a escuchar a sus maestros y a la directora. También, leemos libros suaves y escribimos reportes interesantes sobre ellos. Ganamos grabbers por ser estudiantes responsables y que se portan bien. Los estudiantes hacen muchas cosas interesantes.

Nosotros trabajamos mucho para ser más inteligentes. El trabajo de la clase es mejor porque nos ayuda a aprender más. Los niños tienen trabajos como líder de la línea y pasa papeles para ayudarles a sus maestras.

En Hollinger, nos encanta cantar canciones en los dos idiomas. Aprendemos a bailar diferentes bailes folklóricos como La Bamba y los Viejitos. En la clase de arte coloreamos y pintamos para aprender sobre diferentes artistas como Eric Carle y Van Gogh.

Hollinger es un lugar fantástico para aprender ingles y español y hacer amigos.
What Makes Us Special
It is the mission of our school to help each and every child realize his or her full potential and become a productive and responsible citizen and lifelong learner through Working Hard, Being Kind, and Living as a Champion for themselves, each other, and their school. We want our students to appreciate and contribute to the multicultural society in which we live as we prepare for the challenges presented by the 21st century. 

Our vision is to prepare our students for a successful future as hard-working, bilingual contributors to society with the ability to: collaborate, problem-solve, be creative, and be critical thinkers. We will ensure the success of all students through the delivery of a high-quality standards-focused curriculum which enhances the unique qualities of each learner in order to assure that he/she attains the essential knowledge and skills necessary to move to the next grade level and stay on track for college and career opportunities.